Category Archives: The Universe

Inability To Blog, Retrograde, LOA

Every day I want to write something, but rarely do. I want to share the deals I come across, silly things, random stories, and so much more. I contemplate what to write about, wonder if the content matters to anyone else, or if anyone will read it, and who will read it, and then how will it be received. This is all happening in my brain, while I’m doing other things. Eventually, I run out of time anyway and never end up posting anything.

So, today I decided to just blog about my inability to blog. Actually, I didn’t decide on anything, I just started typing and here we are.

In the time that I’ve been anti social here, I have actually made a few posts here and there on social medial. Posted lots of deals I’ve found recently, a few silly memes, and I even got brave and commented on a few posts. One post I made was pretty out of the ordinary for me. I don’t usually do that, but I was feeling at my wit’s end. Maybe I’ll chat about the content of that post another time.

Don’t forget, it’s Mercury Retrograde time. If you’re not familiar, see my recent post to get an idea.

I’ve been very busy trying to organize everything, in my files and in my home. I have several Google docs with a ton of information that I just can’t seem to format how I want it yet. I still never completed 2020 budget. I’ve given up and moved on to 2021. I’ll backtrack as needed until I’m caught up. I feel like it’s a never ending game of catch up. I can never seem to focus at all. I can’t sleep, then I sleep all morning. I cut out sugar, and I gain weight. Everything is upside down always.

Even still, I do my best to stay positive as much as possible. I’m a huge believer of the Law Of Attraction. I try not to get caught up in anything negative. It’s extremely difficult sometimes. But, I know the benefit of staying strong and just getting through it. Things always work out the way you want. If you’re focusing on bad things, the universe gives you more of those bad things.

That’s all for now. I have so many things to do yet before I go to sleep. As if that will happen. Check out the rest of my site and let me know what you think, and what I should post more of.

Mercury Retrograde 2021

Every year I check the Old Farmers Almanac for the upcoming Mercury Retrograde dates. I make a note of them, then keep it somewhere I can easily reference. I don’t focus on it or stress over it. I’m not obsessed, and I don’t blame everything that goes wonky on the Retrograde. Please don’t think that.

But when things do seem to be a little too out of sorts, I check the dates. Most of the time, it’s Mercury Retrograde time. When I first started writing this post a month ago, it was just to chat about it in general. Today, I felt an urgent need to pull up the draft and finish my post. I checked my dates, and sure enough….

January 30 – February 19
May 29 – June 21
September 27 – October 17

If you’re not aware of what I’m referring to, you’re far from alone in this. A lot of people just don’t know, don’t understand, and many don’t care to. It’s in the realm of Astrology. For some reason, that still seems a bit taboo. I’m not great at explaining it, but the Almanac has a great start.

It’s really rare for me to discuss the retrograde with anyone. I often notice when others are affected by it, but I keep it to myself. I like to help any way I can, but usually it’s met with ridicule and jokes. Instead, I just use it to my own advantage to avoid any issues I can. When the retrograde is going on, I know that I need to be extremely careful with things regarding communication and transportation.

I hope to buckle down and get a lot done over the next couple of weeks. I lined up a few projects for me to focus on. I’m excited for this.

Back in the day (maybe 20 years ago), when I used to frequent the book store, Astrology was located in the tiny Metaphysical/Occult section of the book stores. I’ve read several books from that section, on all sorts of subjects back then. I was the one goth chic awkwardly standing there. I could literally feel the judgement oozing from onlookers. I could hear them in my head, assuming I’m an evil witch worshipping the devil. I’ve had a lot of panic attacks over just trying to get some books lol.

Happy Notes To The Universe

I just created a separate blog called Happy Notes To The Universe. I also made an Instagram to go along with it.

I will be sharing things like happy affirmations, the Law of Attraction, and more.

I don’t normally discuss these things here

Please follow if you are interested in seeing these kinds of posts.

The Law Of Attraction

According to The Law Of

“Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually.”

The basic premise is: Whatever you send out into the universe is what you will get back.

Think happy thoughts and good things will come. If you are plagued with negative thoughts, more doom will come to you. It’s as basic as that, but also somewhat complicated.

A lot of times things happen and we immediately say “Oh, what a coincidence!” and then laugh about it. That’s the law of attraction. Think about a song and see how long until you hear it randomly. Or try thinking about a person and they may cross your path or call you out of nowhere. There’s so many things we can create in our lives just by focusing our thoughts. Thoughts really are things.

You have to also believe. It’s part of the three step process: Ask, Believe, Receive.

It’s like the Genie in the Bottle concept. Think about what you would like more of in your life and Ask for that. Then Believe you deserve it and imagine that it is yours already. Have faith that whatever force it may be, it will bring you what you want. This could be the Genie if you like, or God, or the universe, or whatever it is that you have belief in. Then, pay attention and you will notice that you will Receive what you have focused on. If you are thinking about bills, more bills will come. So watch what your thoughts. This may take practice and tweaking until you get more used to the idea.

I have personally found that the law of attraction is a reality.

I know it all seems ridiculous. I hear it all the time. Which is why I rarely discuss it. It’s usually considered a big joke to mostly everyone I encounter. So, I keep it to myself. I don’t let anyone else’s negativity affect my world. I know first hand that it works. I’ve witnessed it naturally, as well as after testing the concept.

Of course, I’m no expert. But I have read, listened to, and watched any and all of the books that I could find regarding this. One of which, is called The Secret. It is probably the most well known books/movies on the subject. I actually have multiple copies of it. One to mark up, one to keep nice, and one to lend out if needed. It’s not rocket science, but it’s definitely a mind game to get through and to remain consistent. My mind is usually racing non stop in a hundred different directions. It can be difficult to weed out the thoughts that are hindering. I definitely know the struggle.

Even if you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, it’s still a universal law that is happening all around you.

Besides, why not just try be more positive anyway? It feels better and makes others happy too. It only makes sense that more positive things should come. If they don’t, do be discouraged. There’s always a sparkle of silver, even in the worst situations. Stay positive and don’t let anything pull you down. At some point, you’ll find yourself on a better path to more positive things coming your way.

What experiences have you had with the Law Of Attraction?

Just Another Retrograde Passing By

I knew it! I’ve been feeling so out of sorts and everything has been going wrong. I wondered, then dismissed it. I did my best to not assume what was happening, until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I googled it and sure enough, I was right. We just went through a retrograde.

Whether you believe in it or not, it’s happening all around us. Everyone makes fun of me whenever I mention it, so I keep it to myself mostly. I’ve even learned how to use it to my own advantage in some cases. But I do see the affects and it never fails to put a damper on things regardless of what preparations are made.

I usually pay much more attention. I make a new post it note every year with the MR dates listed. However, this year, I thought I would lay off and be normal. LMAO. That worked out just peachy for me. I just made my 2020 post it note and placed it under my clear desk mat for easy reference. I may not openly speak about it, but I will be much more aware the next time around.

I’m not sure which Farmer’s Almanac link below is more accurate. I haven’t looked into the exact dates. Besides there’s always residual affects beyond the last day. So take them as an approximate guideline of dates to pay attention to. These are times to do a lot of researching, listening, cleaning, & organizing. Be prepared to experience issues with electronics, travelling, and communication. Don’t make any major decisions or purchases.

Per Farmer’s
* 2/16/20-3/9/20
* 6/18/20-7/12/20
* 10/13/20-11/13/20

* 2/17/20-3/10/20
* 6/18/20-7/12/20
* 10/14/20-11/3/20

10/6/14 Mercury Retrograde

Ever since I was made aware of this planetary illusion that causes major universal havoc several times a year, I follow it as much as possible.  There is a copy of the Mercury Retrograde calendar on my kitchen wall underneath my kids’ school calendar however you will rarely, if ever, hear me discussing it outside of my home.  It seems taboo, yet it affects everyone whether they like to admit it or not.  When I get brave & mention it to someone, I’m either ignored, looked at like a crazy person or sometimes they do actually ask me what MR is. Since I’m not very good at explaining things & I prefer not to relay this information incorrectly,  I have listed below just a few articles for reference.